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    Synthace Blog

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      Design of Experiments (DOE)

      How To Get Started With Design of Experiments

      Unlock possibilities and discover how to get started using Design of Experiments by visiting Synthace and reading our latest blog today.
      Synthace Team
      Synthace Team
       6 min

      International Women’s Day 2022: Break the Bias, Break Barriers

      For International Women's Day 2022, we take a closer look at our own approach to diversity, equity and inclusion.
      Will Patrick
      Will Patrick
       7 min
      Lab of the Future

      How to Work in Your Lab… Without Being in Your Lab

      How our scientists worked the seemingly impossible feat of working remotely to do their lab work!
      Will Patrick
      Will Patrick
       8 min
      Lab automation

      How Sampling From Bioreactors Are Shifting To Rapid Automation

      Technology is changing the way we process and analyse samples by various offline devices during a bioprocess run. Find out how with this blog
      Daniel Yip, CSci, MRSB
      Daniel Yip, CSci, MRSB
       12 min
      Design of Experiments (DOE)

      A Biologist’s Guide to Design of Experiments

      Is DOE a biological researcher's best kept secret? Learn how this powerful tool can take experimentation to a new level.
      Synthace Team
      Synthace Team
       13 min

      How Can You Centralize Bioprocessing Data Effortlessly?

      Bioreactors generate millions of data points which can easily bog down an experimental campaign. How is this challenge being addressed?
      Daniel Yip, CSci, MRSB
      Daniel Yip, CSci, MRSB
       13 min
      Lab automation

      Leverage Your Lab Automation with A No-code Platform

      A no-code platform that centralises all your data will ease the burden of scripting and take your lab automation to the next level.
      Synthace Team
      Synthace Team
       8 min
      Lab automation

      Liquid Handling Robot Performance Monitoring – Why is it important?

      Liquid handlers can be inaccurate, and regular checks can help scientists understand the tolerances of their liquid handler and provide confidence.
      Daniel Yip, CSci, MRSB
      Daniel Yip, CSci, MRSB
       12 min
      Lab of the Future

      Machine Learning: It’s All About the Data

      How to build a strong data foundation for machine learning applications.
      Synthace Team
      Synthace Team
       5 min