Platform updates
Design of Experiments (DOE)
What is Design of Experiments (DOE)?
What is Design of Experiments? In this series of blogs, we'll explore the foundations of DOE, who it's for, and the benefits of using it.

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Platform updates
Finally, a DOE tool that anyone can use

10 min
Platform updates
How we plan, run, and record experiments: a transfection example

8 min
Platform updates
How to stay in control of your experimental campaign

7 min
Platform updates
How to capture intent and context in your experiments

5 min
Platform updates
Manual pipetting just got a lot easier

5 min
Platform updates
Four more ways Synthace makes your experiments more likely to succeed

5 min
Lab of the Future
A life sciences platform with flexibility at its core

8 min
Platform updates
Synthace just got a whole lot better: 4 improvements biologists need to hear about

11 min